Complétez les paroles de ces chansons des One Direction
Complétez les paroles de ces chansons des One Direction. Ce quizz est facile mais en même temps assez difficile. Bonne chance.
por Pingouin
6 questões
1. Zayn Malik: "Baby, I'll take you there...."
a "Oh, tell me, tell me..."
b "take you there"
2. Harry Styles: "Cause this love is only... "
a "So I don’t wanna wait any longer"
b "They don’t know about the things we do "
c "getting stronger."
d " any longer "
3. Harry Styles: "Do you remember ...."
a "every night"
b "summer ‘09 Wanna roll back like press and rewind"
c "Wanna go back there every night"
d "summer ‘09"
4. Liam Payne: "The party's ending but it's ...."
a "Get out of control"
b "I wanna stay"
c "now or never"
d "don't let it go"
5. Niall Horan: "If I'm louder..."
a "would you see me ?"
b "Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me ? "
c "It just don't feel right"
d "And then I see you on the street"
6. Louis Tomlinson: "Undecided voice is numb..."
a "It makes this harder"
b "Try to scream out my lungs"
c "And the tears stream down my face"
d "Like tonight's sky"