Civil War Sarah Ploy
A quizz about the civil war .
por ploy
13 questões
1. Who won the Battle of Fort Sumter ?
a The Northern
b The Southerner
c The Parisians
d The Germans
2. What is the main subject of controversy during the Civil War ?
a The money
b The economy
c The constitution
d The slavery
3. When Lincoln was assassinated ?
a On january 23,1864
b On april 23,1864
c On april 14,1865
d On january 14,1865
4. What is the name of the president of the United States during the Civil War ?
a Jefferson Davis
b Donald Trump
c Abraham Lincoln
d Barack Obama
5. How long does the Civil War ?
a 1 years
b 3 years
c 4 years
d 100 years
6. Who won the Civil War ?
a The West
b The South
c The North
d The East
7. How many States in the Confederate States of America ?
a 5
b 9
c 13
d 7
8. What are the dates of the Civil War ?
a 1914-1918
b 1856-1987
c 1765-1767
d 1861-1865
9. Who was George G.Meade ?
a A doctor
b A president
c A butcher
d A general
10. What is the bloodiest battle of the Civil War ?
a Battle of Gettysburg
b Battle of Sino
c Battle of juri
d Battle of Fort Sumter
11. Who killed Abraham Lincoln ?
a Jefferson Davis
b A slave
c John Wilkes Booth
d Robert E.Lee
12. Who is the president of the Confederate States ?
a Robert E.Lee
b Abraham Lincoln
c Goerge G .Meade
d Jefferson Davis
13. What is the year of Abraham Lincoln's first election ?
a 1860
b 1861
c 1864
d 1865