Scotland quizz.
por scotland
10 questões
1. What the weather like in Scotland ?
a Sunny
b Snowy
c Rainy
d Very sunny
2. What is the symbol ?
a Unicorn
b Horse
c Pony
d Shetland
3. What is the first minister of Scottish ?
a A man
b A woman
c A girl
d A boy
4. Where is the Scotland ?
a In U.K
b In USA
c In front of Russia
d Next to Australia
5. What is the capital of Scotland ?
a Lisbona
b Santiago
c Lima
d Edinburgh
6. What is the religion in Scotland ?
a Christian
b Orthodoxe
c Jewish
d Muslim
7. What is the famous sports in Scotland ?
a Rugby
b Football
c Riding horse
d Tennis
8. What is the famous lake in Scotland ?
a Loch Ness
b Aragon
c Mia
d Méditerranéen
9. What are the colors in a flag ?
a Red and green
b Yellow,blue and black
c Blue and white
d Pink and orange
10. What is the symbol in a flag ?
a A unicorn
b A croce
c A horse
d A dragon