Your age
This quizz is about talking about your age in English.
por umber
17 questões
1. How old you are ?
a Correct
b Incorrect
2. I have 18 years old.
a Correct
b Incorrect
3. She is 18.
a Correct
b Incorrect
4. Ladies don't like to tell people their age.
a Correct
b Incorrect
5. In Korea, people have two different ages.: their Korean age and their international age.
a Correct
b Incorrect
6. If you are 19. You can say you are :
a In your early teens.
b In your late 20's.
c In your late teens.
d In your early 20's.
7. Si un bébé a 1 semaine, que dire ?
a He is 1 week.
b He is 0.
c He is one week old.
8. Que veut dire "toddler" ?
a Nourrisson
b Petit en âge de marcher
c Adolescent
9. Pourquoi appelle-t-on un ado un "teenager" ?
a C'est fun...
b Il a l'âge teen.
c Il a entre 13 et 19 ans.
10. When you are 50 :
a You are a teenager.
b You are over the hill.
c You are a senior.
11. If you are a senior, you are :
a Over 60.
b In your late 40's.
c Over 80.
12. In Glasgow (Scotland), elderly people can ride the bus for free.
a Correct
b Incorrect
13. Que veut dire " To have a foot in the grave" ?
a Avoir un pied dans le gravier.
b Avoir un pied dans la tombe.
14. Vous voulez dire "il a 42 ans":
a He have forty-two.
b He is forty-two.
c He has forty-two.
15. Vous voulez dire "elles ont 3 ans":
a They have three.
b She are three.
c They are three.
d She is three.
16. Vous voulez dire "vous avez 30 ans":
a You are thirty.
b You have thirty.
c You is thirty.
17. Vous voulez dire en anglais "J'ai 19 ans" :
a I'm nineteen.
b I have ninety.
c I am nine.