Thanksgiving Fact
Quizz pour savoir enfin la vérité sur Thanksgiving.
por Louis augey 3emeC
5 questões
1. What eta American familys' during thanksgiving ?
a Big roast turkey
b Snail
c Beef
d Fish
2. What the name of the boat of Pilgrims ?
a Mayflower
b Maiflower
c Titanic
d Bigflower
3. What the fist vegetable plan by Pilgrims ?
a Corn
b Turnip
c Carrot
d Patato
4. Whats the name of the first rock touch by pilgrims ?
a Plot rock
b Playmouth rock
c Playmonth rock
d Patriot's rock
5. Where Thanksgiving is a national holiday ?
a US
b UK
c France
d Mexico